Archive for April, 2010


Roundup – BETWEEN

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Line O’ the Day:

“My friend went to Japan last week for work. He ate dinner with a Japanese translator. The waiter put something down on his plate. He ate the object, which was very good. He asked the translator what it was he just ate. The translator says, ‘I can’t really explain what you just ate in English.’

“What the fuck could this dude have eaten that a professional translator couldn’t even communicate it to him? ‘Well, we start with an ostrich. Then we have a buffalo jizz on its face. Then we feed it miso paste…'” – Big Daddy Drew, Because Prime Time is Where the Motherfucking Draft Belongs. Your 2010 NFL Draft Jamboroo [Deadspin]

Best of the Best:

The Remains:

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Roundup – End of the World

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Line O the Day:

“Baseball desperately needs customized batting helmets. Why the fuck not? They already slather those things with buckets of pine tar, tobacco juice, sunflower seed husks, and used Dominican TP anyway (yaki yaki!). They look like shit. Maybe if you let players paint a golden skull on their own helmet, they wouldn’t be so quick to tar them with their own feces. And it’s not like in football, where the helmet plays crucial role in identifying an opponent. Helmet or not, you know damn well who’s playing for whom on the baseball field. The guy batting. The guy leading off from first and not wearing a fielding glove. Those guys are quite obviously NOT on the defense. I say, let those fuckers paint a big-titted chick on a Harley on their helmets if they please. And if you get a tard player like John Olerud who has to wear a hard fielding hat, I say let him paint that too. He’s special like that.” – Big Daddy Drew, Bogus Rumors About Entourage Douches that We’ll Choose to Believe Anyway [Deadspin]

Best of the Best:

The Remains:

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Roundup – DAR

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Line O’ the Day:

“REX RYAN: God damn right you are. You are the fucking nightmare of this earth. You were brought here to bring everyone to their fucking KNEES, especially the ladies. Now, I want you to stop thinking about your wife, and your kids, and fucking Gatorade or whatever business bullshit that is. None of it matters. All that matters is that you fucking KILL, and that you get the satisfaction you know you want. You are going to fucking win this tournament, AND THEN WE’RE ALL GOING OUT FOR PULLED PORK AND PULLED PUSSY!” – Big Daddy Drew, Tiger Woods Gets a Little Extra Motivation [Kissing Suzy Kolber]

Best of the Best:

The Remains:

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